EDP in Schools Program in Brazil: Learning by playing

The objective of Brazil’s “EDP in Schools” program is to help improve the quality of life for primary school students in the country’s public schools. The program is carried out by the EDP Institute and aims to complement students’ education in a fun way at schools within EDP’s areas of activity in Brazil.

With EDPR’s entry into the program in 2009, assistance was offered in the states where the company does business, including Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Norte and soon, Bahia. Over these eight years of partnership with EDPR, the program has benefited more than 9,000 students from 15 public schools in the municipalities of Água Doce, Tramandaí, Jandaíra and Parazinho. Its actions offer tools for student learning, promote art and energy integration, foster community participation in schools, promote student health and raise awareness among students and teachers about the correct and safe use of electricity.

The circuit Teather in Schools is also part of this Program and, in 2016, presented the show “Toys’ Circus” putting together both universes of theater and circus. The show aimed at explaining children, in a fun way, the importance of valuing traditional toys and games.