EDPR finances the preparation of a study on the interaction of rock-nesting species in Spain

Implementing measures to minimize, prevent and offset the impact on biodiversity is a key issue for a company such as EDPR, but should not be the only one in matters pertaining to biodiversity.

A comprehensive biodiversity strategy also implies having an active role as a company, contributing to the broadening and spreading of scientific knowledge in this topic.

In this sense, in 2014 EDPR through the EDP Foundation decided to assist and provide financial aid to the University of Málaga, a prestigious academic institution, for the preparation of a study on the nation-wide scale interaction among rock-nesting species.

Rock-nesting species are those who nest in rock cliffs. The research study conducted by the University of Málaga in collaboration with EDPR personnel focused on three particular species: the griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus), the Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus) and the Bonelli's eagle (Aquila fasciata).
The study's main conclusion shows how the growth of the griffon vulture population in the last decades, which still continues today, may have consequences on the conservation of other threatened species, such as the Egyptian vulture.

For more information, access a summarized version of the study:
Interacciones entre rapaces rupícolas (spanish version)