As EDPR NA offers a half day per month for employees to volunteer their time in the community, the Asset Management Department has committed to giving their time at a local nonprofit one Friday per month during the 2015 year.


The first charity the Asset Management group elected to help in the month of January was Meals on Wheels, which serves more than 4,000 meals to seniors living in the Houston area daily.  The downtown Meals on Wheels branch is centrally located, making it easy for the EDPR NA team to meet and serve.


Asset Management Director Mike Peck said his team had a lot of fun with the experience.


"We very much enjoyed helping pack meals and will likely do it again next month," Peck said.  "We will then discuss as a team whether to continue serving this organization or help other nonprofits in future months."


Peck cited several reasons why he and his team felt compelled to coordinate monthly volunteer activities.


"Helping others in need is important and fulfilling.  We had to work together as a team, and we even attempted some impromptu lean thinking to be more efficient and knock out as many meals as possible in the time allotted," Peck said.