Installed capacity of 96-megawatts of renewable energy
Project overview
Table Top Solar Park is a solar facility two miles outside of Casa Grande city limits. The project is sited at the intersection of West Cornman Road and South Bianco Road, north of Interstate 8 and roughly 1.5 miles west of Lucid Motors Factory. The solar park would complement the area’s desert landscape while harnessing the region’s abundant sun.
Table Top Solar Park yields significantly in the form of payments to landowners, local spending, and annual community investment. Table Top Solar Park is also compatible with other land uses and provides a stable form of income to local landowners.
Our local presence
Casa Grande Carmel Solar Park Open House
Table Top Solar Park, formerly known as Casa Grande Carmel Solar Park, is being developed in unincorporated Pinal County, at the intersection of South Bianco Road and West Cornman Road, north of Interstate 8. Pinal County approved an amendment to its Comprehensive Plan for the project. The next step in the County permitting process is to rezone the Project area from General Rural (GR) to Industrial (I-3) with a Planned Area Development (PAD) overlay.
Before submitting our rezone/PAD application, our team met with the southwest Casa Grande community on Thursday, February 22nd to listen to feedback and provide more information on the solar park and development process.
Renewable energy technology
Energy security
Solar panels
Solar energy in the U.S.
Table Top Solar Park will save more than 50 million gallons of water each year and will prevent the air pollution that causes smog, acid rain, and climate change.
Contact us
Table Top Solar Park
Western Regional Office
710 NW 14th Avenue
Suite 250
Portland, OR 97209