Installed capacity of 78.4-megawatts of renewable energy

Project overview

Arkwright Summit Wind Farm is located in Chautauqua County, the westernmost county in New York. The wind turbines are located within the Town of Arkwright, and the project connects to the grid in the Town of Pomfret.

Arkwright Summit Map
Economic benefits

Arkwright Summit Wind Farm yields significantly in the form of payments to landowners, local spending, and annual community investment. Arkwright Summit Wind Farm is also compatible with other land uses and provides a stable form of income to local landowners.

purchase agreement icon
$1.6+ million

Paid to local governments

Energy savings
$1+ million

Paid to landowners

$4.6+ million

Spent locally

large team icon
Job creation

80 construction jobs and 3 permanent jobs created

Renewable energy in New York

EDP Renewables is a renewable energy leader in New York. With more than 704 megawatts of clean energy in operation in the state.
Renewable Enery In New York

Renewable energy technology

Wind Turbine Arkwright

Energy security

Arkwright Summit helps strengthen energy security for the state of New York and the United States, helping diversify domestic supply.
Arkwright Turbines


Arkwright Summit Wind Farm consists of 4 Vestas V110 2 MW wind turbines and 32 Vestas V110 2.2 MW wind turbines.
Wind Energy US

Wind energy in the U.S.

Wind is the largest source of renewable electricity generation in the United States, providing 10.1% of the country’s electricity.
Environmental benefits
139 million gallons of water saved each year

Arkwright Summit saves more than 139 million gallons of water each year and prevents the air pollution that causes smog, acid rain, and climate change.



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New York State Fact Sheet
Arkwright Summit Appendix D 2 Geotechnical Survey Transmission Line
Arkwright Summit Appendix F Typical Spill Control and Counter Measure Plan
Arkwright Summit Appendix H 2 Breeding Bird Surveys
Arkwright Summit Appendix H 5 Acoustic and Mist-Net Bat Report
Arkwright Summit Appendix K Shadow Flicker Report
Arkwright Summit Appendix N Environmental Sound Survey and Noise Impact
Arkwright Summit Appendix Q 1 Communication Tower Study

Arkwright Summit Logo

Contact us

Arkwright Summit Wind Farm
Operations & Maintenance Office

10001 Route 60
Fredonia, NY 14063