Company Data
Name: EDP Renováveis, S.A. (Listed Company)
Registered at: Plaza del Fresno, Nº 2, Oviedo, Spain
Headquarters: Parque Empresarial ADEQUA | Avda. de Burgos, 89 EDIF 1 MOD A-B 28050 Madrid
Share Capital: €5,199,279,355 and it is divided up into 1,039,855,871 shares with a nominal value of 5 euros each, represented by book entries. All the shares are part of the same class and series and they have been wholly subscribed to and paid up.
C.I.F.: Nº A-74219304
The EDPR representative for market relations is administrator Eng. Rui Teixeira.
External Auditor
EDPR’s current External Auditor is PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores, S.L