Check out here the sustainable procurement policy for the EDP Group:
UN Global Compact In EDPR’s Supply Chain
EDPR is a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact directives for a sustainable development and has pledged to put these principles into practice and to promote the adoption of these principles in its area of influence. As such, EDPR´s suppliers shall accept to comply with the UN Global Compact’s ten principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption.
The ten principles defined by the United Nations Global Compact are available a here.
The suppliers of EDPR shall either provide the confirmation as signatories of the United Nations Global Compact directives or a written declaration of acceptance of the Ten Principles.
EDPR Code of Ethics
EDPR is governed by a strong sense of ethics and requires that its suppliers do not have conflicts with EDPR ethical standards.
The suppliers of EDPR shall know the principles established in the Code of Ethics and they shall agree with them. As part of a supplier qualification process the supplier shall provide a written declaration of acceptance of the principles established in EDPR’s Code of Ethics.
Environmental protection
EDPR´s Environment and Biodiversity Policies reflect a responsible management of the environment along the whole value chain. According to these policies, EDPR is committed to incorporate respect for the environment and management of environmental aspects in all phases of business processes throughout the value chain and ensure that everyone involved, including suppliers, has the necessary, adequate skills for the purpose.
The suppliers of EDPR shall adopt all necessary measures to ensure strict compliance with all applicable environmental regulations as well as EDPR´s Environmental Policy, internal norms, procedures and systems in place as regards to environmental management.
Specifically, EDPR has implemented, for all its wind farms in operation, a Health and Safety and Environment Management System (HSEMS) developed and certified according to the international standard ISO 14001:2004 and ISO 45001:2018.
The suppliers of EDPR shall know and understand the HSEMS. Also they shall be committed to make the HSEMS available to its employees and subcontractors, and to ensure from them the full compliance with the procedures set in HSEMS.
To facilitate the understanding and access, following are the main HSEMS documents applicable to our suppliers.