For appropriate disclosure, transparency and impartiality, the company has approved, its Code of Ethics, to all EDPR company’s employees as well as any third party with whom EDPR is going to establish a commercial relationship.
The Board of Directors also approved the creation of an Ethics Committee, collegiate body whose main objective is to ensure the independent monitoring and application of the EDP Code of Ethics.
The members of the Ethics Committee have adequate qualifications and experience in the areas of ethics, compliance and human resources, which demonstrate their individual fit for the duties performed. In this sense, the Ethics Committee is composed by:The Chairman of the Appointments and Remunerations Committee, who shall chair the Committee;
- The Chairman of the Audit, Control, and Related Party Transactions Committee;
- The Compliance Officer;
- The Human Resources Director;
- The General Counsel & Compliance of EDPR North America LLC.;
- The Secretary of the Board of Directors, who shall also perform the duties of the Secretary of the Ethics Committee meetings.
These functions include the following:
- Proposing corporate ethics instruments, policies, goals and targets;
- Monitoring application of the Code of Ethics, laying down guidelines for its regulation and overseeing its proper application by the Company and its subsidiaries;
- Analyzing reported violations of the Code of Ethics, deciding on their relevance and admissibility;
- Deciding if there is any need for a more in-depth investigation to ascertain the implications and persons involved;
- Assume the position of Responsible of the Internal Information System, as a collegiate body, in charge of ensuring its proper management;
- Appoint the Compliance Officer as designated person for the management of the Internal Information System, for the purposes of notifications and dialogue with the public authorities competent in the matter.
The EDP Code of Ethics is the public expression of "our energy!"
It is our reference document, which conveys the way we work and the way we like to be viewed by our stakeholders - employees, shareholders, customers, suppliers and the community.
The Code of Ethics is subjected to a process of biannual review with a view to making the document more current, allowing for a more direct address of the ethical issues that are very relevant today for EDPR, and for its insertion in society in general, in such complex and demanding times.
The Code of Ethics must always be present in our daily lives, constituting a firm reference for our actions as people and as professionals and help us to do what we have to do better. Our Code of Ethics applies, regardless of position, geographical location or functional hierarchy, to all EDPR employees and also to EDPR's business partners, representatives and suppliers who under any circumstances are qualified to act on behalf of EDPR.

EDP Renováveis (EDPR) has an inescapable commitment to regulatory compliance, which applies to the way it does business, based on strict compliance with the law and the prevention of illegal practices.
For this reason, it integrates Compliance as a strategic part of its corporate culture, and it is promoted by the Board of Directors.
The Compliance functions; the basic principles and methodological rules that govern the carrying out of the Compliance function; and the components of the Compliance Management System, are defined in the Compliance Standard.
Thus, EDPR has defined a Global Compliance Model that integrates specific models depending on the risks affecting the Group:
Integrity Compliance Program: focused on the prevention of corruption and bribery risks
EDPR believes that integrity is essential for building strong, honest and trustworthy business relationships.
At EDPR, we have zero tolerance for any form of corruption and bribery and are committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all our business operations and relationships, regardless of where we operate.
Therefore, we have an Integrity Policy which is public and can be consulted by anyone.
Criminal Compliance Program: focused on the prevention of criminal risks in Spain
EDPR has designed a Criminal Compliance Policy, which sets out the basic principles for preventing the commission of illegal acts. This policy is public and can be consulted by anyone.
Personal Data Protection Program: focused on the protection of personal data to which EDPR has access
EDPR is committed to protecting information about its employees, customers, stakeholders, suppliers and the Group itself, as well as technological resources. EDPR has therefore developed detailed data protection policies and procedures.
The protection of personal data is a cornerstone of the EDPR Group companies' activities. If you want to learn more, please visit our Privacy Policy.
EDPR Portugal
Plan for the Prevention of Risks of Corruption and Related Infractions
Following the approval of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy 2020-2024, enters into force the Decree-Law 109-E/2021, which creates the National Anti-Corruption Mechanism and establishes the General Regime for the Prevention of Corruption ("RGPC". It applies to companies of the EDPR Group headquartered in Portugal employing 50 or more employees, making mandatory the implementation of a Compliance program that includes, among other elements, a Prevention of Corruption Risks Plan.
EDPR, assuming its commitment with integrity and compliance with laws and regulations, and anticipating legal requirements, had already implemented an Integrity/Anti-Corruption Compliance Program, now complemented with a formal Corruption Risk Prevention Plan which can be consulted here.
Annual Evaluation Report of the Risk Prevention Plan for Corruption and related infractions
Find out about the state of implementation and progress of the measures identified for the prevention and correction of risks of corruption and related infractions.

EDPR awarded double certification from AENOR
In the last years, EDPR has reinforced the Compliance culture with the approval of policies and procedures which have as goal to promote ethics and integrity in the development of EDPR´s business.