Engaging with stakeholders is an extremely demanding exercise, that involves sharing information and being transparent
in their relationship with society and, in particular, with all
who are affected by their activities.
EDPR seeks to achieve this through four major interaction commitments:
Include, Indentify, Prioritize: We have dynamically ans systematically identified the Stakeholders that are influenced by the company and we analyze and try to understand their expectations and interests in the decisions that directly impact on them.
Inform, Listen, Respond: We are committed to promoting two-way dialogue with Stakeholders in a consistent, clear, rigorous and transparent manner, with the aim of building strong, durable, close relationships.
Integrate, Share, Cooperate, Report: We aim to collaborate with Stakeholders to build strategic partnerships that bring together ans share knowledge, skills and tools, thereby promoting the creation of shared value in a differentiating manner.
Transparency, Integrity, Respect, Ethics: We believe that the promotion of a climate of trust with our stakeholders is crucial to establishing stable, long-term relationships. Our relationship with stakeholders is based on values like transparency, integrity and mutual respect.
These commitments underlie a policy that aims to go beyond mere compliance with legal requirements, and to truly engage our different stakeholder groups.
We have a large group of stakeholders, and we work to ensure that we engage with all of them.
Engaging with stakeholders is an extremely demanding exercise for companies, that involves sharing information and being transparent in their relationship with society and, in particular, with all who are affected by their activities. EDPR seeks to achieve this through four major interaction commitments: comprehend, communicate, trust, and collaborate.
EDPR strongly believes this activity is key to enabling the implementation of the business plan, improving business success, anticipating risks, and also to create value for the stakeholders involved. Position EDPR as a global company at the forefront of the energy transition, increasing awareness in our key markets, and establishing long-lasting and trusul relations with our main stakeholders will continue to be our main purpose.
We are a member of several energy associations in the countries where we have a presence, playing a relevant role in supporting the development of renewable energy. See the full list of the organizations.

Transparency in institutional relations
EDP and its subsidiaries (“EDP Group”) raise awareness to policy makers and legislators about the interests of EDP Group and/or the business sector. Globally, EDP Group’s activities include participation in industry associations (“Industry Institutions”) comprising multiple industry participants that work to advance shared policy objectives.
Our approach and involvement with Industry Institutions is in accordance with EDP Group’s internal regulations, policies and procedures including the principles of integrity and transparency expressed in our Code of Ethics.
In Europe, activities are monitored by means of voluntary registration on a platform created for that purpose by the European Commission - "Transparency Register". EDP has been registered since the creation of this platform in 2011.
In North America, relevant Industry Institutions are required to disclose and/or register campaign finance and lobbying activities in accordance with applicable local, state, or federal law.
In the following table are presented the contributions concerning the activities of representation of interests of EDPR:
On the other hand, the following table below contains the most relevant contributions for associations in 2023: