Environmental dimension
In EDPR we commit to

Environmental policy

Proactive environmental management generates value and constitutes the duty of any socially responsible company. Our Environmental Policy reflects EDPR’s environmental strategy.


Health & Safety and Environmental Management System

The health, safety and well-being of our employees, as well as the protection of the environment, are a priority for EDPR.

These commitments are firmly set in the Health and Safety Policy and Environmental Policy and have been backed by the certification of both management systems for over 10 years.

Following the reference provided by the international standards ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018, EDPR merged the Environmental Management System with the H&S Management Systems for a more global and efficient approach, simplifying processes and managing the potential risks of its activity. In 2020, the new Health, Safety and Environment Management System (HSEMS), where synergies play a fundamental role, was implemented and jointly certified by an independent certifying organisation.


Environmental Activities Report

To see in detail the activities carried out by EDPR focused on the mitigation of climate change, the promotion of circular economy and the protection of biodiversity, please visit our Environmental Activities Report.


Environmental research

EDPR Brazil

Consult the environmental impact study carried out for the Serra da Borborema Wind Complex at EDPR Brasil. 

 wind farm

Environmental and Social Due Diligence


See all the environmental and social documentation on the Xuan Thien project in Vietnam. 

Solar floating
% *
ISO 14001 certified MWs (2023)

* Calculation based in 2022YE installed capacity EBITDA.

Environmental investment in 2023
Environmental expenses in 2023


EDPR’s market leadership, based in value creation capacity, innovation and relationship with its stakeholders, is much influenced by the performance of its suppliers.

Technical excellence together with sustainability is the basis of EDPR relationship with suppliers. This results in close collaboration, joint capacity to innovate, strengthen the sustainability practices and improve the quality of the Company’s operations.

EDPR has defined policies and procedures to ensure the several aspects that fill in with the sustainability, as well as the management and mitigation of any type of environmental, social or ethical risks in the supply chain. 

The Suppliers Sustainability Guides provides an overview of the sustainability requirements EDPR expects its suppliers to meet.