The distribution of dividends must be proposed by EDPR ’s Board of Directors and authorized by a resolution approved in the Company’s Shareholders Meeting. In keeping with the legal provisions in force, namely the Spanish Companies Law, the EDPR Articles of Association require that profits for a business year consider:
- The amount required to serve legal reserves;
- The amount agreed by the same General Meeting to allocate to dividends of the outstanding shares;
- The amount agreed by the General Meeting to constitute or increase reserve funds or free reserves;
- The remaining amount shall be booked as surplus.
The expected dividend policy of EDPR, as announced in the EDPR Investor Day of May 22nd, 2012, is to propose dividends’ distribution each year, from 2013-15, representing 25% to 35% of EDPR’s distributable profit.
Accordingly, for 2013, EDPR’s General Shareholders Meeting approved a dividend of EUR 34,892,326.48, or €0.04 per share, which corresponds to a pay-out ratio of 28% on the consolidated results of EDPR net profit of 2012.
In 2014, EDPR’s General Shareholders Meeting, held on April 8th, approved a dividend of EUR 34,892,326.48, or €0.04 per share, which corresponds to a pay-out ratio of 26% on the consolidated results of EDPR net profit of 2013.
In 2015, EDPR’s General Shareholders Meeting, held on April 9th, approved a dividend of EUR 34,892,326.48, or €0.04 per share, which corresponds to a pay-out ratio of 28% on the consolidated results of EDPR net profit of 2014.
In 2016, EDPR’s General Shareholders Meeting, held on April 14th, approved a dividend of EUR 43,615,408.10, or €0.05 per share, which corresponds to a pay-out ratio of 26% on the consolidated results of EDPR net profit of 2015.
In 2017, EDPR’s General Shareholders Meeting, held on April 6th, approved a dividend of EUR 43,615,408.10, or €0.05 per share, that comprises EUR 17,113,506.50 booked against the result of the fiscal year and EUR 26,501,901.60 booked against the Voluntary Reserve account.
In 2018, EDPR’s General Shareholders Meeting, held on April 3rd, approved a dividend of EUR 52,338,489.72, or €0.06 per share, booked against the result of 2017 fiscal year.
In 2019, EDPR’s General Shareholders Meeting, held on April 11th, approved a dividend of EUR 61,061,571.34, or €0.07 per share, satisfied against the result of the fiscal year and the Voluntary Reserve account.
In 2020, EDPR’s General Shareholders Meeting, held on March 26th, approved a dividend of EUR 69,784,653 or €0.08 per share, satisfied against the Voluntary Reserve account of the Company.
In 2021, EDPR’s General Shareholders Meeting, held on April 12th, approved the payment of a gross dividend of EUR 69,784,652.96, satisfied against the result of the fiscal year, and of a complementary distribution of EUR 7,060,000.00, with a charge to unrestricted reserves, for an aggregate of EUR 76,844,652.96 which translates into a gross dividend equivalent to €0.08 per share.
In 2022, EDPR’s General Shareholders’ Meeting, held on March 31st, approved the payment of a gross dividend of €86,450,234.58, satisfied against the voluntary reserves, which translates into a gross dividend equivalent to €0.09 per share.
In 2023, EDPR’s General Shareholders’ Meeting, held on April 4th, approved the shareholders’ remuneration mechanism by means of a scrip dividend to be executed as a share capital increase charged against reserves, with a gross dividend equivalent to €0.265 per share. After the execution of the Scrip Dividend programme, a total of 77,661,124 incorporation rights were sold to EDPR, resulting in a cash out for EDPR of €20,580,200, and a share capital increase was issued at a nominal amount of €62,257,695, to be implemented through the issuance of 12,451,539 ordinary shares of the Company with a par value of 5 euros each. Therefore, approximately 92.3% of the incorporation rights issued in the scrip dividend program have been converted into shares and have therefore taken part in the capital increase.