EDPR Italia employees run in the 7th annual Europ Assistance Relay Marathon

In lieu of paying a standard registration fee, teams participating in this race were asked to donate to one of the 100 charities associated with the EA7 Milano Marathon. This year, the teams from EDPR Italia chose to run for CBM Italia Onlus. This non-governmental organization is part of CBM, the largest international humanitarian organization committed to the prevention and treatment of blindness and disability in developing countries.

CBM is made up of 11 national associations that work in close collaboration with local partners to bring medical, educational and rehabilitative services to those who need them most. Thanks in part to collaborators like the EDPR Italia team, this NGO has provided aid for nearly 28 million people in the last year alone.

A global leader in the renewable energy sector, EDPR is strongly committed to fostering an environment of social responsibility.